Peer Review Process

The peer review process in JAPP is summarized into the following steps:

Submission of a manuscript: The corresponding or submitting author submits the manuscript to the journal via an online system (

Assessment by the editorial office: The journal checks the manuscripts against the journal’s author guidelines. If the manuscript does not meet the guidelines, it may be  returned to the authors for revision.

Evaluation by the editor-in-chief: At this step, the editor-in-chief checks that the submitted manuscript is appropriate for the journal and is sufficiently original and interesting. If not, the manuscript  may be rejected without being reviewed any further.

Editor-in-chief assigns an associate editor: When editor-in-chief verifies that the manuscript is suitable for peer review, assigns an associate editor. Associate editors handle the peer review process.

Invitation to a reviewer: The handling editor sends invitations to individuals who believe they  would be appropriate reviewers. Generally,, manuscripts are sent to at least two experts for peer review.

Response to invitations: Potential reviewers consider the invitation against their expertise, conflicts of interest and availability. 

Review is conducted: Reviewers independently recommend to the JAPP editor whether the submitted manuscript should be accepted with or without revisions (major revision or minor revision) or rejected.

Handling editor evaluates the reviews: At this stage, all the feedback from peer reviewers is considered before making an overall decision.

Send the decision letter: The editor sends a decision letter (including reviewer comments and suggestions) to the corresponding author by an online system.

Resubmit the revised manuscript: The authors are asked to respond to reviewers' questions and suggestions. The author(s) resubmit the revised manuscript, and the editor checks the author(s) feedback (revised version of the manuscript) on the reviewers’ comments.

Next steps

The journal editor/editorial board decides whether to publish. If accepted, the paper is sent to production and publication The JAPP email will send proofs as PDF files to the author. Manuscripts accepted for publication but not yet published should be called "In-press".